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Topic: 2025 Unity MLB 60th Anniversary Edition - Plumbing P-Traps? (Read 247 times) previous topic - next topic

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2025 Unity MLB 60th Anniversary Edition - Plumbing P-Traps?

LTV Newbie here!

We just took delivery on a brand-new 2025 Unity MLB 60th Anniversary Edition 5 days ago.  The dealership winterized it for us, but we live in Georgia and will have opportunities to go camping before Spring in temps above freezing, even possibly overnight.

Our fresh, gray & black water tanks each have an electric pad that, when switched on, will automatically warm the tanks when the temperature dips below 51ºF.  So, even if we go winter camping in the North Georgia mountains, and it dips below freezing overnight, they will be protected from freezing.

But what about p-traps in the plumbing?  We were told that there are no p-traps in the galley or lavatory sinks, but the tech who gave us our walk-through orientation was not sure about the shower.

So, my question is this - does anyone know for sure if we have anything to worry about in subfreezing temperatures with any part of our plumbing system, providing we have the three electric tank pads switched on?  I'm wanting to go ahead and dewinterize and take a trip to North Georgia week after next.  After the trip, we have a totally enclosed storage unit with a 30A outlet inside, so my thinking was to connect the shore power in the storage unit and leave those water tank heating pads switched and not re-winterizing.

BTW, any winter camping we do will be at a campsite with 30A shore power, so we will definitely have heat inside while camping - we have no plans to boondock in the winter.

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks.

Re: 2025 Unity MLB 60th Anniversary Edition - Plumbing P-Traps?

Reply #1
You have traps at every drain line, but not P traps, they are Hepvo traps, Introducing HepvO - the Sanitary Waste Valve
Heaters help the waste tanks, but not the exposed macerator or the water lines. 
Ltv builds 3 season coaches, not 4 season. Unless you take the necessary measures to protect your systems.  People have done it.
Tempe, Az
2019 Wonder FTB
Toad 2007 Honda Fit

Re: 2025 Unity MLB 60th Anniversary Edition - Plumbing P-Traps?

Reply #2
You will NOT ever need to winterize your RV in GA or KY east to west across that line. Fill it up with water and never worry. If anything turn on each faucet and toilet every 3 hours thru the night and tou will be jist fine. I live in MN and go winter camping all the time. Learn how to use the suction hose and you can winterize your rv lines in 5 min. kISS don't over think it. Watch you tube and learn.
Todd W
"LTVnIT" on YouTube

Re: 2025 Unity MLB 60th Anniversary Edition - Plumbing P-Traps?

Reply #3
If you are worried about your drains freezing while away, just pour a cup of RV anti-freeze in each drain and the toilet.
Flat Rock, NC